Heatwave is about the passion for women's journeys.

We believe that a good pair of heels can empower a woman in her daily journey in life. 

Our mission is to provide stylish, well-made heels to the modern woman, giving her confidence and comfort in her busy schedule. 

HEATWAVE SHOES was created to solve the problem of finding the perfect pair of heels for everyday use with minimal time and effort. Our shoes are essential for every wardrobe and lifestyle, with the simple philosophy that less is more.

Our Story & Commitment

HEATWAVE SHOES is a fast growing international ladies shoe brand with more than 50 stores globally. The dream of bringing well-made high heels to young women began with just a single boutique in Singapore  2001. We have since grown to a community of like-minded women and business partners around the world, all whom appreciate our products for their comfort and originality.

Our commitment to this dream is reflected in our prices. It is based on the idea that a good quality, affordable pair of shoes is one of the simplest forms of luxury and that it should be accessible to as many women as possible. We would like our customers to feel a heartfelt satisfaction and connection with our shoes, making us part of their adventures of a lifetime.

Each pair HEATWAVE SHOES is a representation of our belief in innovation, attention to detail and efficiency. Processes are kept simple in small-scale factories and it is still very much a hand made product.

Anti-slip Design

Our heel design and anti-slip soles are the classic features that are unique to the company, designed to be extremely comfortable and developed to weather rain or shine. HEATWAVE SHOES is a woman’s most faithful companion, every pair takes her from business meetings to social events.

Simple & Elegant

Though our designs are as dynamic as the women who adorn them, we like to keep our style simple and elegant. Each collection is released on a monthly basis with new designs arriving at the store weekly. Each monthly collection is then categorized into a Seasonal collection, which is planned at least 6 months ahead of time.

Today, we have more than 50 stores in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Qatar, Philippine & India. 2013 Nov, the first flagship store at Johor Bahru was opened, and the second store had started business after six months. 

Heatwave Stores at Johor Bahru:
Johor Bahru City Square (Lot M2-14, Level 2)

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HEATWAVE - 新加坡女装鞋品牌, 出女性的美丽与自信




HEATWAVE 的创办人Mr. G H Tan 1985年起,便开始在一间小型的店面为顾客量身定制鞋子,对鞋子制作已有超过三十多年的经验,向来对鞋子的品质和制作过程都要求严格。为了让更多女性顾客穿着到即精美又舒适的高跟鞋,2001年,我们带着这个梦想在新加坡乌节路商场开设了第一间以 HEATWAVE 命名的女装鞋品牌店。自此,凭着鞋子的独特性,舒适感及高品质,HEATWAVE 的各类女装鞋也广受当地女性顾客的欢迎,并逐渐发展成一家拥有超过五十间连锁店的国际品牌。






简约,优雅 舒适:简约却不失优雅的设计,是  HEATWAVE SHOES 一贯的风格,而且在设计的过程中,我们的设计师都会仔细的考量每个鞋款的舒适度和实用性,以便让我们的顾客有更好的体验。当然,为满足各阶层和不同年龄层顾客的需求,我们也不只设计高跟鞋,也有中跟和低跟鞋,且每个季度和月份都会有新系列鞋款在不同分店上架。


多年来我们不断地改良鞋子的品质,精益求精,务必将最好的呈现给顾客。由于广受各阶层女性,尤其是上班族的喜爱,自2001 在新加坡开设了第一间 HEATWAVE 品牌店之后,我们的品牌便很快地被推广至国际。至今已在十多个国家包括新加坡,马来西亚,印尼,文莱,缅甸,越南,柬埔寨,菲律宾,印度,卡达尔及阿联酋等国总共开设了超过五十间连锁店。

2013 11月,HEATWAVE 终于来到马来西亚新山。如今,新山的女性朋友们如果想要亲身体验我们的鞋子,只需亲临我们位于新山的分店即可!

HEATWAVE 新山分店地址:
Lot M2-14, Level 2, Johor Bahru City Square 

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Heatwave Shoes Johor Bahru
